महिलाएं बेवकूफ़ बन रही हैं

इस चिट्ठी में पॉन्डिचेरी में फ्रांसीसी खाने की चर्चा है।
पॉन्डेचेरी के समुद्र तट पर एक और शाम
पॉन्डिचेरी फ्रांसीसी कॉलोनी थी। इसलिए यहां फ्रांसीसी भाषा का चलन है। यहां के रेस्त्रां का फ्रांसीसी खाना भी प्रसिद्ध है। हम लोग पहले दिन फ्रांसीसी खाना खाने, यहां के रांडवू (Rendezvous) नामक रेस्त्रां में गये।

रांडवू रेस्त्रां में, हम लोगों ने खाने में, ग्रिल्ड ब्लैक्ड पॉम्फ्रेट (Grilled blacked Pomfret), ग्रिल्ड सियर फिश (Grilled Sear fish), मशरूम प्रोन किश (Mushroom  Prawn Quiche) लिया। इनमें ग्रिल्ड पॉम्फ्रेट और मशरूम प्रोन किश तो बिल्कुल बेकार लगा। हम उसे न खा सके। वह व्यर्थ हो गया।

हम लोग वहां पर, दूसरी रात में एक दूसरे रेस्त्रां में 'ला क्लब'  (Le club) खाने गये। यहां पर हमने सियर फिश फ्रेंच स्टाइल (Sear fish french style), प्रोन्स् कैरिबिएन स्टाइल (Prawns Caribbean style) ली। इसके साथ हमने स्ट्रोबेरी कोलाडा (Strawberry colada)  और सी ग्रीन (Sea green) नाम की मॉकटेल भी ली। यह कुछ पसंद आयी। खाना भी अच्छा था।

'ला क्लब' में कुछ अजीब बात लगी। यहां पर बहुत से विदेशी लोग थे। सारी महिलाएं लगातार सिग्रेट पी रही थी। हालांकि सब पुरूष बिलकुल या नहीं के बराबर सिग्रेट पी रहे थे। मेरे विचार से, सिग्रेट पीना न केवल नुकसान देय है पर यह भी दर्शाता है कि वह व्यक्ति कितना असुरक्षित एवं निराश है।

यह रेस्त्रां एक खुली जगह पर था। फिर भी, वहां सिगरेट की बदबू के कारण बैठना मुश्किल हो रहा था। मेरे बगल के मेज़ पर दो महिलाएं बैठी थी।  हम लोग जितनी देर तक खाने का इन्तेजार किया और खाना खाया उतनी देर में इन महिलाओं ने कम से कम चार-चार सिगरेटें अवश्य पी होंगी। उनकी सिगरेट कुछ अजीब और खास तरह की लगी। वे साधारण सिगरेट से पतली और लम्बी थी। इसका भी कुछ कारण लगा।

महिलाओं ने, शायद सिगरेट इसलिये पीना शुरू किया कि वे पुरूषों की नकल करना चाहती थीं और इसे शायद महिला सशक्तिकरण की तरह देखती थीं। इसीलिए  सिगरेट बनाने वाली कम्पनियां उन्हें  आकर्षित करने के लिए अलग तरह की सिगरेट एवं विज्ञापन बनाने लगीं ताकि उनकी बिक्री बढ़ सके। बहुत सी महिलाएं, खास तौर से युवतियां, उनके झांसे में आकर बेवकूफ़ बन रही हैं। हांलाकि यह बात पुरुषों एवं नवयूवकों के लिये भी सच है।

महिलाओं को आकर्षित करने के लिये सिग्रेट कम्पनी का एक पुराना विज्ञापन।
यह चित्र मेरा नहीं है। मैंने इसे यहां से लिया है जहां इस तरह के अन्य विज्ञापनों के चित्र हैं।
अगली बार श्री अरविन्दो आश्रम चलेंगे।

मां की नगरी - पॉन्डेचेरी यात्रा
 हो सकता है कि लैपटॉप के नीचे चाकू हो।। कोबरा मेरे हाथ पर लिपट गया।। घोड़ा डाक्टर, गायों और भैंसों की लात खाते थे।। पॉन्डेचेरी फ्रांसीसी कॉलोनी थी।। शाम सुहानी लग रही थी।। महिलाएं बेवकूफ़ बन रही हैं।। पैंतालिस मिनट में पांच हजार लोगों का खाना बन सकता है।।

हिन्दी में नवीनतम पॉडकास्ट Latest podcast in Hindi
सुनने के लिये चिन्ह शीर्षक के बाद लगे चिन्ह ► पर चटका लगायें यह आपको इस फाइल के पेज पर ले जायगा। उसके बाद जहां Download और उसके बाद फाइल का नाम अंग्रेजी में लिखा है वहां चटका लगायें।:
Click on the symbol ► after the heading. This will take you to the page where file is. his will take you to the page where file is. Click where ‘Download’ and there after name of the file is written.)
यह पॉडकास्ट ogg फॉरमैट में है। यदि सुनने में मुश्किल हो तो दाहिने तरफ का विज़िट, 
'मेरे पॉडकास्ट बकबक पर नयी प्रविष्टियां, इसकी फीड, और इसे कैसे सुने
About this post in Hindi-Roman and English 
is chitthi  mein, pondicherry mein, fransisee khane kee charcha hai. yeh {devanaagaree script (lipi)} me hai. ise aap roman ya kisee aur bhaarateey lipi me padh sakate hain. isake liye daahine taraf, oopar ke widget ko dekhe

This post is about French cuisine in Pondicherry. It is in Hindi (Devnagri script). You can read it in Roman script or any other Indian regional script also – see the right hand widget for converting it in the other script.

सांकेतिक शब्द
ponidicherry, puducherry
Travel, Travel, travel and places, Travel journal, Travel literature, travel, travelogue, सैर सपाटा, सैर-सपाटा, यात्रा वृत्तांत, यात्रा-विवरण, यात्रा विवरण, यात्रा विवरण, यात्रा संस्मरण, मस्ती, जी भर कर जियो,  मौज मस्ती,

Hair and Beauty Tips

The most famous saying about beauty, is that it lies in the eyes of the beholder! But if taken from the point of view of 'appearance', you need to take some efforts to attract the eyes of the beholder on you! :) Speaking specifically of women, each and every women is naturally beautiful! The additional beauty tipsnatural beauty that you already have. In this article, we will first be discussing about hair and beauty tips, wherein haircare is followed by some beauty tips for healthy skin. Have a look at the tips that will tell you how to be beautiful from appearance… that will be advised as we proceed with the article, are just to help you enhance the
Hair Care Beauty Tips

Everyone desires to know all the hair and beauty tips to become more beautiful! Do you know how important is the role that your hair plays in your overall appearance and beauty! It's not your dressing, neither the makeup…it is your hair that adds the charm to how beautiful you look. Think for yourself, would you call a woman who has short, dull, thin hair, beautiful over one which has
healthy hair? Hair has also be described as the most beautiful ornament that a women wears. Many poets and writers can't fail to express how they adore the hair of a women and consider it to be a sign of beauty and elegance, just like the following quote.

Attired to please herself: no gems of any kind
She wore, nor aught of borrowed gloss in Nature's stead;
And, then her long, loose hair flung round her head
Fell carelessly behind.
" ~ Publius Terentius Afer

Below are some
tips for healthy hair, that will work wonders for your hair and make it more beautiful, healthy and mesmerizing! Have a look at these healthy hair beauty tips.

Things to Do
  • For shiny and strong hair, one of the shiny hair home remedies is to massage your scalp with Olive oil and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can also substitute this with organic jojoba oil for hair which is equally effective!
  • Another dry hair tip to remove the dryness of your hair and make them feel soft and shiny, is to apply egg to your dry hair, cover it up with a plastic cap and leave it over for a minimum of 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and feel the difference. For more hair care home remedies, you can go through the kitchen remedies for better hair which will give you a chance to have naturally beautiful hair.
  • With blow drying and straightening being a trend these days, try to avoid it as much as you can if you are concerned about hair care. Even if you have to, use a leave on conditioner over your hair for some protection from heat and damage!
  • Split ends too is something which is a common hair problem, especially when you have long hair! The fact is that split ends can only be prevented and NOT cured. The only solution of how to prevent split ends is to cut them off. Therefore, try to be as gentle with your hair as possible.
  • Always make it a point to trim your hair at least once in a month. This will minimize split ends and also increase your hair growth! You hair grows for about 1.2 to 1.25 cm every month.
  • We all know how effective is coconut oil for hair growth! Consume a lot of coconut, jaggery, cashews and almonds. These help you to grow your hair faster and give you healthy shiny hair.
  • Another beauty tip for hair is to gently massage your scalp in a circular motion before you sleep. This increases blood circulation and promotes a healthy hair growth!
  • Henna for hair growth is another effective tip for hair care. Apply a paste of henna powder, lemon juice, yogurt and eggs on your head, at least once a month. This hair care tip works wonders for your hair in every aspect.
Things Not to Do
  • Never comb your hair while they are wet. That is when they are the most sensitive and prone to breakage! Combing your hair while they are wet will break your dream of how to get thick hair. So next time you grab a comb, be careful!
  • Minimize the habit of blow drying your hair or using those harmful straightening machines if you want to know how to keep hair healthy! You are not making your hair beautiful, but you are severely damaging them! The heat damages the hair and the scalp, making your hair more dry and rough. So if you are looking for easy home remedies for dry hair, stop using these products!
  • Avoid using chemical shampoos that contain harsh detergents like the sulfates. Instead, switch to a mild natural shampoo that naturally moisturizes and replenishes your hair and makes hair thicker and stronger.
  • Avoid using too much of conditioner on your hair as it makes the hair look greasy! Use less conditioner if you have oily hair and go through these home remedies for oily hair to get some interesting tips on oily hair care! Coming back to the use of conditioners, a conditioner is meant only for hair and Not for the scalp! Improper washing of the conditioner also results in flakes on your head which is nothing but the dried conditioner, which in turn results in hair falling out.
  • Never mix your shampoo and conditioner! A shampoo of head and shoulder's and a conditioner of L'Oreal won't do any good. So always opt for natural and mild shampoos and conditioners. You can also opt for hair conditioners made at home which are very effective in maintaining the health of your hair.
Essential Beauty Tips

Taking care of your hair is more than half the battle won! Below are some natural beauty tips for face that will help you to have a healthy, glowing and beautiful skin! Have a look at these amazing beauty tips and secrets!

Things to Do
  • Keeping your self well hydrated is rule number 1 for skin care! It is only a well hydrated skin that allows the toxins to release from the body, giving you a natural glow.
  • Another among the healthy skin tips is to have loads of fruits! Did you know apples have natural skin healing powers which softens your skin and makes it glow! Adding a cup of apple juice in your bath will also help you feel a much smoother, softer skin! Same is the case with bananas, pineapples, lemons and strawberries.
  • Another among the daily skin care tips is to always remove your make-up before you sleep. This doesn't take much time and is one of the quick beauty tips that can make your face healthy! Use a good natural cleanser to remove all the elements that can block the skin pores and make your face prone to pimples and acne.
  • With so much of pollution all around, the skin gets more prone to impurities and allergies. Especially when it comes to contact with the harmful UV rays! So another tip on how to get healthy skin is to always use a sunblock or a sunscreen to protect your skin as these rays can cause wrinkles, sunburns and saggy skin!
  • Getting a facial done is also very important to remove the dead skin of the face and rejuvenate the skin. Regular facials can lead to faster cell renewal and help in avoiding problems like dark patches, acne, dullness and lose skin. Try doing a facial at least once a month by a trusted beautician to get the flawless and healthy glowing skin that you are looking for! You can also go for some effective homemade face packs to rejuvenate your skin.
  • If you don't get time for facial, get a facial steamer and steam your face! Make it a daily skin care routine as this opens the blocked pores of your skin, allowing the toxins to release and preventing skin problems. You can also go through the natural beauty secrets to know more about how to be beautiful naturally.
  • Whenever you apply a moisturizer, apply it on your face and neck in a circular fashion. Choose a moisturizer for face with lots of vitamins and anti-aging properties that penetrates deep within the skin in order to retain the natural tone of complexion!
Things Not to Do
  • Never use makeup products that are not trustworthy. Many allergic reactions can take place on your skin if products are not chosen carefully!
  • Never sleep with your makeup on. This is one of the most effective beauty tips for teenagers as they are the ones who tend to sleep with their make-up on! As mentioned earlier, this blocks the pores of the skin and allows many skin problems like acne and pimples to occur on the face!
  • Another tip among the beautiful skin tips is to never wash your face with extremely hot water! If you have to, use lukewarm water instead. Use of hot water can make your facial skin extremely dry and dull.
  • Avoid using harsh soaps and lotions on your face and skin. It is preferable to use a mild lotion, soap or moisturizer for the skin to retain it's freshness and health. go through the natural beauty remedies and know what is naturally best for your skin.
  • Do not scrub your face or skin too hard. The tissues of the skin are very sensitive and your harshness can lead to further damaged skin.
  • Do not smoke at all if you are looking for a healthy and smooth skin. Smoking makes the skin dull, dry and rough, and therefore is negates the effects of a diet for healthy skin.
Life goes on taking care of everything else, but our self! So start taking care of yourself from now onwards by following the above mentioned hair and beauty tips for girls…the reason why I said a girl, is because it's time for you to meet the beautiful and charming young girl in you once again! So take care and stay beautiful.

Aging and Stress in Women

Age-related diseases and process of aging is greatly contributed by Stress. Responses of these are adoptive reactions of the body which play pivotal role during emergency or when in contact with danger. From ancient times when life was endangered by injuries, incurable diseases and infections, stress response was critical part of human race.

Simple Steps to Natural Beauty

Are you sure what requires a great skin? Have you stuffed dozens of products in your shelves for great looking skin? It's about time you systematically organize your priorities. To have beautiful looking skin dermatologist suggest that you need to be focused on three basic cleansers, moisturizing sunscreen and night cream.

How to Be Cute

Young hearts know that being 'cute' is one of the best ways to get noticed. And if you think about it logically, 'cute' could mean a number of things. A concept as vague as 'cute' can get difficult to explain. And yet we labor on, 'coz when it comes to the matters of the heart, logic hardly ever plays a part. So young boys and girls (especially) and older men and women (sometimes) realize that being 'cute' is going to win them the edge and get them noticed. Is it good to be cute, though? Sure, what could be the harm in being cute? If nothing else, it is definitely an esteem booster. Then how to be cute is the eternal question that remains to be answered. In this article, we will try and look for an answer to that very query and understand what goes into becoming cute (for yourself, or for someone special). Read on for some answers.

साइबर कानून का उल्लंघन और उसके उपाय

इस बार चर्चा का विषय है कि साइबर कानून का किस तरह से उल्लंघन हो सकता है और उसके क्या उपाय हैं।
इस चिट्ठी को आप सुन भी सकते हैं। सुनने के लिये यहां चटका लगायें। यह पॉडकास्ट ogg फॉरमैट में है। यदि सुनने में मुश्किल हो तो ऊपर दाहिने तरफ का पृष्ट, "'बकबक' पर पॉडकास्ट कैसे सुने" देखें।

यह चित्र इंडियन एक्सप्रेस के सौजन्य से

साइबर कानून के उल्लंघन को मोटे तौर से दो क्षेत्रों में बांटा जा सकता है।

सूचना प्रोद्योगिकी अधिनियम में साइबर अपराध के लिए दो तरह के उपाय दिए गये है।

  • पहला, दीवानी उपाय (Civil relief): इसमें जो भी व्यक्ति आपको नुकसान पहुँचाता है उससे आप हर्जाना प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। लेकिन यह मुकदमे सिविल न्यायालयों  में नही चलते। इन मुकदमे को तय करने के लिए एक अलग से अधिकारी (Adjudicating Officer) नियुक्त किया जाता है। इस समय प्रत्येक राज्य में उनके इंफॉरमेशन तकनीक के सक्रेटरी ही यह अधिकारी है। इनके फैसले की अपील साइबर ट्रियूब्नल मे होती है। उसके बाद इनकी अपील हाई कोर्ट में दाखिल की जा सकती है।
  • दूसरा फौजदारी अभियोग (Criminal Prosecution): इसमें साइबर कानून के  उल्लघंन करने वालो को सजा हो सकती है। इसके लिए पुलिस में प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दर्ज करानी पड़ती है और मुकदमा फौजदारी अदालत में ही चलता है।
अगली बार हम लोग  साइबर अपराधों के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे।

तू डाल डाल, मैं पात पात

भूमिका।। नाई की दाढ़ी को कौन बनाता है।। नाई, महिला है।। मिस्टर व्हाई - यह कौन हैं।। गणित, चित्रकारी, संगीत - क्या कोई संबन्ध है।। क्या कंप्यूटर व्यक्तियों की जगह ले सकते हैं।। भाषायें लुप्त हो जाती हैं - गणित के सिद्घान्त नहीं।। ऐसा कोई कंप्यूटर नहीं, जिसे हैक न किया जा सकता हो।। साइबर या कंप्यूटर कानून क्या होता हैभारत में साइबर कानून।। साइबर कानून का उल्लंघन और उसके उपाय।।


About this post in Hindi-Roman and English  is chitthi mein charcha hai ki cuber apradh kya hai aur uske kya anutosh (upaya) hain.  yeh chitthi {devanaagaree script (lipi)} me hai. ise aap roman ya kisee aur bhaarateey lipi me padh sakate hain. isake liye daahine taraf, oopar ke widget ko dekhen.

This post explains what is cyber crime and what kinds of relief  are available against the same.  It is in Hindi (Devnagri script). You can read it in Roman script or any other Indian regional script also – see the right hand widget for converting it in the other script. 

सांकेतिक शब्द
। Cyberlaw, Computer law, Internet law, Legal aspects of computing
Hindi, पॉडकास्ट, podcast,

The Perfect Party Dress

It's great to receive an invitation to a party but it can be a drag if you look in your closet and don't have the right dress to wear. Well, fear not, finding the perfect party dress doesn't have to be a chore. Read on and I explain why.

First of all, let me tell you why a dress is the right choice to go with. Dresses are great because they are comfortable and look good on every woman no matter how big or small they might be. They come in a variety of styles, colors and lengths. Let's talk about which is right for you and your special occasion.

Think about your body type and what looks good on you and what does not exactly do it. If you have great legs you may want a dress that shows them off. If you're curvy a wrap dress will always impress. Thin, flat chested girls look great in sheath dresses. Know your body type and you will be able to find a dress to wear.

When you get in the store don't be intimated by all the styles on the racks. Not all of them are for you. Skip the ones that don't fit your body type. Try on a few styles before committing.

Think about the event you are attending. If it's super formal you may want something that fits the bill. Adding some splash in the form of sequins or shine is always a nice touch. On the other hand, if you're going somewhere more sedate, like a work function, leave the cleavage and glitz at home.

Think about what colors you like and which flatter your face. Most people look good in color so don't be shy about wearing it. Black is classic but boring. It's the first choice of the unimaginative. Instead, look for a color that makes your skin glow and eyes pop.

Don't forget to complete your look by adding just the right accessories. I'm talking about lovely jewelry, shoes and the right purse to make it all come together. It's the icing on the cake. Look for items that don't match but coordinate.

So, that's all you need to know to pick the right outfit for a fancy night on the town. Don't get anxious when you receive a party invitation. The right outfit is out there for you if know what you're looking for.

A student can also get a health insurance, there is the college student health insurance and the high deductible health insurance benefits or not are discussed in the author's page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Parachas

मेरे शरीर में हनुमान जी आ गये थे

बच्चों के साथ समय बिताना जरूरी है।
इस चिट्ठी में, अपने बेटे के साथ बिताये, कुछ भावुक पलों की चर्चा है।

कुछ दिन पहले ज्ञानदत्त जी की चिट्ठी में, उनके द्वारा दिखाये गये विडियो में, जहां एक पिता अपनी पुत्री को पीठ पर बिठा कर ले जा रहा है पर उनकी पत्नी का ऊलाहना पढ़ा,
'तुमने अपने बच्चों को कभी इस तरह पीठ पर नहीं उठाया होगा। कम से कम ज्ञानेन्द्र को तो कभी नहीं। क्यों रख्खा उससे छत्तीस का आंकड़ा शुरू से?'
निशांत जी की टिप्पणी पर, उनका उत्तर,
'ऐसा था जरूर। कैरियर बनाने का बोझ कुछ ज्यादा ही था तब। या समय प्रबन्धन लचर?' 
शायद यह सच न हो। वास्तव में जरूरत के समय, हमें कहीं से ऐसी शक्ति मिल जाती है, जिसकी हम कल्पना नहीं कर पाते हैं।

यह १९८० के दशक की बात है। मैं अपने मित्र की शादी में मुम्बई गया था।  मुन्ना ८-९ साल का था वह भी मेरे साथ था। लेकिन, शुभा अपने शोध में वयस्त थी इसलिये कस्बे में ही रह गयी थी। मेरी चाचा और चाची मुम्बई में सरकारी नौकरी करते थे। चाची डाक्टर थीं और वे अस्पताल में काम करते थीं। हम उन्हीं के पास ठहरे थे। 

हमारे पास एक दिन खाली था। हमने मुम्बई देखने के लिये, पर्यटन विभाग से बस का टूर लिया। 

हम गोरेगावं में स्थित आरे दूध-डेरी भी देखने गये। वहां हम लोग को कुछ देर रुकने की बात थी। वहां पार्क था। हम लोग वहां गये। वहां एक ५० फीट लम्बी रेलिंग भी लगी थी। यह वास्तव में जमीन में जमी नहीं थी पर वहीं पर खड़ी थी पर इस बात की कोई नोटिस नहीं थी। वह रेलिंग मुन्ने के पैर पर गिर गयी। वह मनों भारी होगी। मैंने उसे कुछ ऊपर किया फिर मुन्ने का पैर बाहर किया। उसे न केवल दर्द हो रहा था पर वह डर भी गया था।

बस में एक महिला गाइड और बस ड्राइवर थे। मैंने उन्हें डाक्टर के पास ले चलने की बात की। लेकिन उन्होंने वहां जाने के लिये मना कर दिया। उनके अनुसार वे रास्ता नहीं बदल नहीं सकते थे। वहां पर लोगों ने डेरी के डाक्टर का घर बताया जो कि लगभग ३५०-४०० मीटर दूर था। वहां कोई सुविधा न होने के कारण मैं मुन्ने को गोदी में उठा कर डाक्टर के पास ले गया।

वह डाक्टर भी अजीब था। न व हिन्दी, न ही अंग्रेजी बोल पाता था - केवल मराठी बोल पा रहा था। मैं मराठी नहीं समझ पा रहा था। मुझे आश्चर्य हुआ कि हिन्दुस्तान में भी, ऐसे डाक्टर हो सकते हैं जो अंग्रेजी न बोल सकें। मुझे विश्वास ही नहीं हुआ कि वह डाक्टर है। मुझे लगा कि मैं अपनी चाची के पास, उनके अस्पताल में जाऊं। मैंने उससे कुछ बर्फ ली। उसे रुमाल में रख कर, मुन्ने को पैर पर रखने को कहा, ताकि वहां सूजन न हो, और वापस चला।  

वहां से वापस आने के लिये कोई सुविधा नहीं थी। मुझे इतना बताया कि किस तरफ से, मुझे टैक्सी मिल सकती है। मैं मुन्ने को गोद में लिये लगभग२-३ किलोमीटर उठा कर गया वहां पर एक तीन व्हीलर मिला। उसने अस्पताल तक ले जाने में, असमर्थता बताई, क्योंकि  मुम्बई के अन्दर तीन व्हीलर चलाने की मनाही थी पर वह वहां तक ले गया जहां मुझे टैक्सी मिल सकती थी - शायद वह जगह बान्द्रा थी। वहां से मैंने टैक्सी पकड़ी और अपनी चाची के अस्पताल पहुंचा। 

शुक्र था कि पैर की हड्डी नहीं टूटी थी। केवल मामुली सी चोट थी। कस्बे में वापस आने पर शुभा ने पूछा कि मैं कैसे मुन्ने को गोदी पर उठा कर इतनी दूर चल सका। मैंने कहा, 
'यदि उस दिन मुझे मुन्ने को उठा कर अस्पताल तक ले जाना होता तो भी मैं यह कर पाता। वह पल ही ऐसा था। लगता था कि मेरे शरीर में हनुमान जी आ गये थे।'

ऐसे ज्ञान जी की उस चिट्ठी पर, दिनेश जी ने भी पते की बात कही,
'बच्चों को समय देना ही चाहिए, जितना दे सकें।'
इसका अपना महत्व है। उस दिन यदि मैं मुन्ने को उठा कर न ले आ पाता, तब भी उसे कुछ न होता क्योंकि उसे साधारण चोट आयी थी। लेकिन मैं वह कर सका, यह मुझे और बेटे राजा को ज्यादा करीब ले गया। 

मुझे हमेशा लगता है यदि आप घूमने जायें तब हमेशा बच्चों को साथ ले जायें। उनके साथ समय व्यतीत करें। मैंने कई दिन और बेटे के साथ, रात में तारे देखते, ताराघरों, पुस्तक मेला और पुस्तकों की दुकानों के चक्कर लगाते हुऐ, खेल के मैदान में खेलते हुऐ, चिड़ियाघर,  और राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में जानवरों के देखते बितायें हैं। इनमें से कुछ बिताये पलों को,  'पापा कहते हैं बड़ा नाम करेगा', 'सफलता हमेशा काम के बाद आती है', 'प्रेम तो है बस विश्वास, इसे बांध कर रिशतों की दुहाई न दो' 'यौन शिक्षा' 'दूसरे की गलती से सीखने वाले, बुद्धिमान होते हैं' 'बच्चे व्यवहार से सीखते हैं, न कि उपदेश से', 'क्या टैटूईन ग्रह की तरह हमारे भी दो सूरज होंगे' चिट्ठियों में लिखा भी है। 

कुछ यही बात मैं अपनी चिट्ठी 'पुरुष बच्चों को देखे - महिलाएं मौज मस्ती करें' में कहने का प्रयत्न किया था लेकिन शायद पहले वह स्पष्ट नहीं था।

बेटे राजा, परी, भारत में आज बसन्त का त्योहार है। आज का दिन तुम दोनो के लिये महत्वपूर्ण है। 
इसे संजो कर रखना। अपने आने वाली पीढ़ी के लिये, मेरी बात का भी ध्यान रखना।

अन्य संबन्धित चिट्ठियां

About this post in Hindi-Roman and English bachon ke sath samay bitana jruri hai. is chitthi mein apne bete ke sath bitaye gaye kuchh bhavuk palon kee charchaa hai.  yeh hindi {devanaagaree script (lipi)} me hai. ise aap roman ya kisee aur bhaarateey lipi me padh sakate hain. isake liye daahine taraf, oopar ke widget ko dekhen.

It is important to spend time wth children. This post is about some touching and anxious moments spend with my son. It is in Hindi (Devnagri script). You can read it in Roman script or any other Indian regional script also – see the right hand widget for converting it in the other script.

सांकेतिक शब्द
culture, Family, Inspiration, life, Life, Relationship, जीवन शैली, समाज, कैसे जियें, जीवन, दर्शन, जी भर कर जियो,

Organic Coffee Beans Have A Richer Flavo

For a lot of people today, coffee is an indispensable part of life. Mornings can never be complete without having a cup of Joe. Office work can really be stressful without that afternoon caffeine pick-me-up. Graveyard shifts appear longer and insufferable without having a java fix. All day long, people today crave coffee due to the fact of its rich taste, enticing aroma and restorative properties.

Typical java in itself may possibly be good for the entire body. Even so, organic beans are doubly good. In the food and beverage marketplace, organic refers to foodstuffs that have been developed working with no sum of synthetic products. Organic coffee, for illustration, is made from whole coffee beans that have been grown inside of organic farming standards—that is, farmed with a restricted or no use of chemical compounds, fertilizers and pesticides.

To improve production and earnings, some farmers use chemical fertilizers to boost the growth of crops. Unlike its synthetic counterparts, organic coffee beans are grown the natural way and in accordance to nature's own time. As a matter of fact, some farmers are expected to grow untreated plants for a minimum of three years, using only crop rotation methods and limited pesticide utilization. Hence, organic coffee is not contaminated with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. For apparent motives, ingesting beans polluted with chemicals can be harmful to the body. This plant also goes through an in-depth certification procedure carried out by The U.S. Department of Agriculture so that only safe and nutritious goods can be used by the public.

Consuming this well-known beverage has many advantages to the body. Since there is a restriction of chemicals utilized to grow organic coffee beans, this is less dangerous to drink than conventionally grown types. Those who consume this beverage can reap the health rewards of coffee without receiving the dangerous results of chemicals. These beans have a large content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In fact, organic beans are proven to have a larger level of antioxidants when compared to conventional pesticide sprayed plant. Antioxidants are known to slow down the process of aging and ward off diseases such as cancer. This drink is also an energy-booster because of its caffeine content.

Chemical free beans are not only useful to the body but to the environment as well. Natural farming does not involve adding synthetic substances to the soil. If anything, natural farming uses only fertilizers such as compost, mulch and dung to enrich the earth. As a consequence, the earth remains fertile and usable for many years. In this way, patronizing chemical free crops can be considered as a show of support for responsible and eco-friendly farming methods. Java drinkers also find that this beverage tastes a lot better. Since its beans grow on extremely fertile soil, organic coffee has a purer, richer taste as compared to the conventionally-grown bean. Since it normally requires more time and effort to produce untreated plants on a relatively smaller scale, it is understandably a bit more expensive than the conventional bean. The same applies for most other organic products. Nonetheless, supporters of untreated goods believe that the price distinction is negligible compared to the numerous benefits to the body, the earth and the taste buds.

The Way Woman Get Ready

So what on earth would be the women doing with regard to so long?
Women are constantly sitting in front of their mirrors plus taking care of their appearance. They soy wax all components of their bodies and also experience. They're normally tweezing his or her eyebrows, and putting concealer on any slight imperfection they might acquire on their deal with. They are able to spend hrs before the mirror putting on their makeup products. Reapplying mascara and eyeliner because it could possibly have smudged once they blinked. Putting on the bit much more lip gloss simply because it seems to become coming away from. Then comes the hair. Or even watched a woman do your ex hair? First she wipes it. Then she has to help blow it dry, iron the idea straight, then put in plenty of mousse or gel so that it seriously isn't too straight. Next she decides just how she wants to development it. Should certainly she put on a headband, pin it up a bit with some bobby pins, have on a pony and so on.

Then it is on to the garments. All ladies try on as quite a few outfits because they have just before leaving their house. The first top they try in helps make them appear extra fat, your next as well thin. Soon after trying on yet some thing else, they decide that the shade is incorrect for his or her complexion. And it goes back again plus forth until they as a final point choose on something (note that commonly they end up settling on most important factor they attempted on).

Shoes are next. Must it be flats or heels. Really should it be Mary Janes, or moccasins.
Just prior to they're all set, they've to put on some aroma to make certain that not just do they look great, they also scent wonderful. Consequently there they go once more using the decision-making. Need to it be the Bulgari perfume, or perhaps what concerning the Gucci perfume? One they choose, it's time for the mirror once again to make certain they appear ideal. Just one more quick dab at another mark that all of a sudden showed up on her forehead. Just a bit more lipstick. Smooth out that skirts. 1 much more tiny spray of the Bulgari Perfume, and she is performed. She actually is dressed, and finally able to go.

The girl walks down the stairs in order to greet her husband, who has been dressed, ready as well as waiting for the last hour. The girl extremely sweetly says to him 'Ok, I believe I'm ready. Explain to me-do you believe I look All right? How is my hair, will be my make-up done properly. Do you like what I 'm wearing?

How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus - Fix Nail Fungus

Fungal infection, especially on the feet can somewhat rid you of your social life. Although it may not have a direct impact on your overall health, you still might want to learn how to get rid of toenail fungus which is quite hard if you have no idea on how to do so. Aside from seeking the help of an expert, here are some of the things you can do at home to treat yourself of the fungus in your toenail.
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Prevention is always better than cure. There is no other way on how to get rid of toenail fungus than prevention itself. You must learn the cause or what attracts fungus to develop. Such fungus or bacteria are attracted to dark, damp places and feed on warmth and moisture. Pretty good example is the nail beds just below your toenails.
And this is why it is important that overall feet hygiene is required. Always try to keep your feet dry for the rest of the day. Or you can also consider using feet powder to keep your feet from sweating or getting wet all the time. Reducing the stress on the foot from tight-fitting athletic sock and shoes can also reduce the risk of having toenail fungus.
However, if you are already suffering from toenail fungus, the best next thing to do is to consult a feet expert or a podiatrist immediately. In most cases, surgery is the only sure fire solution to treating fungal infection in the feet.
But if you are not willing to go under the knife, you can still opt for oral medications that have been found to be effective after a series of timely medications. There are still lots of cheaper alternatives on how to get rid of toenail fungus. Learn more should you really want to get rid of such a disgusting condition to have.

Keeping The Peace

Do you remember the famous feud between the Hatfields and the
McCoys? A squabble started between these families in the states of
Kentucky and West Virginia during the American Civil War. After the
war, the feud was kept alive by disputes over a fiddle worth $1.75
and a stray razorback hog.

According to Stan Mooneyham, "Dancing on The Strait & Narrow," by
Election Day 1882 the situation deteriorated to the point that three
McCoy brothers killed Ellison Hatfield because he had insulted them.
"Devil Anse," head of the Hatfield clan, had the three McCoys
rounded up and tied to bushes within sight of their family cabin;
then he put fifty rifle bullets into them. After that it was a life
for a life -- sometimes two or three -- and even the women became
just part of the body count. Hostilities didn't finally abate until
the second decade of the twentieth century. The cost to those two
families was immense. Almost thirty deaths were recorded in the most
famous example of eye-for-an-eye revenge in U.S. history.

You've seen this scene in the movies: a rugged cowboy pats his
pearl-handled six-shooter in a holster hanging from his hip and
drawls, "This here is my peacemaker." Peacemaker? Maybe widow-maker.
Or orphan-maker. The problem is, shooting people is not a good way
to peace. It's a little like the father who, while spanking his
child, said, almost in cadence with each slap, "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE
I TOLD YOU NOT TO HIT YOUR SISTER!" Gotta love the irony.

If force and violence can't bring peace out of chaos, what can? What
does it take to make peace? And to keep it?

The answer is clear. Peacemakers are not weapons -- peacemakers are
people. You and I. Peacemakers are people with hearts for
reconciliation and understanding. In our families; with our
neighbors; around the world.

Level-headed and patient people have always been the best hope for a
lasting and just peace. That is the only way it has ever worked.

Perhaps that's why peacemakers are call blessed.

How to Fight Fatigue and Chemotherapy

When you are undergoing intensive cancer treatment, one of the big dangers is that the chemotherapy leaves you tired and fatigued. This is a very dangerous situation to be in, as the lack of energy is going to be a big disadvantage in your fight against the illness.
As you need all of your strength and energy for this crucial period, it is essential that you look for a solution for boosting the immune system and giving you a way to feel full of energy for facing the treatment.

The first decision you are faced with is whether to choose something natural or a prescription medication. The best advice is to look at natural remedies, which will increase your level of white blood cells and give you the boost you need so much.

Another advantage to this kind of natural herbal medicine is that it is completely non-addictive. This means that you can take the full course of treatment without any worries about being left with any nasty problems afterward.

Of course, as well as offering a natural cure for low white blood cells, herbal medicine also gives you the chance to fight some of the other unwanted side effects of chemotherapy treatment. This means you can be protected against nausea, vomiting, lack of sleep, and other common issues this kind of treatment brings with it.

The most important thing to make sure of is that you are choosing products that use the best natural products. To do this you should be aware of the top herbs commonly used in these natural treatments. As well as the inclusion of a variety of vitamins, you should look for the energy boosting medicines that include things such as Ginseng and Poria, which are both roots known for being highly effective in such cases.

If you are looking for a better night's sleep, then the kind of remedy you need is one that includes ingredients such as Dong Quai, Jujube, and Rehmannia. If your need is more about gaining pain relief, elements such as Red Sage, Cyperus, and Cnidium are among the things to look for on the list of ingredients.

Did You Know You Can Get Discounts on a Dell?

Buying a new Dell computer has never been easier or less expensive. The need for laptops computers has greatly increased over the last couple of years, and they can be a costly purchase. However, it is a purchase you have to make if your job or school requires you to have one. So if you have to buy a new Dell computer, you want to take the cheapest route you can without slacking on the quality of your new machine.

There are so many different online stores in this day and age that sell everything from books to car parts. There are numerous online retailers that also specialize in electronics like computers. The first place you should look if you are considering purchasing a new Dell laptop is online. You can find excellent, brand new machines for sale at prices much lower than what you would pay at a traditional store. There are so many different online stores available, that they will run promotions in order to fight for your business.

If you decide to purchase your new Dell online, it is important to check out several online retailers before you just pick the first one you find. It is important to read things like return policies, shipping and handling charges, and inquire about any promotions the online store may be running. Compare the answers you get from each store to help you determine which one can best meet your needs. You should also ask about Dell XPS coupons, or if they will honor a Dell XPS coupon.

Dell XPS coupons offer additional savings on the purchase of your Dell computer, depending on which promotion an online store may be running. Sometimes a Dell XPS coupon can entitle you to receive free shipping and handling for your purchase. There is no one promotion that runs constantly, so that is why it is a good idea to locate a customer service number and ask. Many people started turning to online shopping during busy holiday seasons to help them avoid the typical crowds. In doing so, they saw how much time and money they could save, and passed that knowledge on to family and friends. Now, the popularity of online shopping continues to grow because of all the benefits it can bring.

Basic Tips on How to Use a Hot Glue Gun

It is essential to know how to use a hot glue gun, as it ensures safety. Whether it's at work or at home, it is one of the most commonly used hot melt adhesive melting units. Even your kids can be safe when using a hot glue gun, and have fun seeing crafty magic melt. You must not forget to keep the glue sticks in a safe place as well. These guns are perfect for everyday use. Ensuring you know how to use a hot glue gun is important, especially if you are constantly fixing or building something.

The electric and battery powered, hot and cold heat glue gun can be used as follows:
• You need to find an electric power supply to plug your gun into, making sure it is placed securely, away from any wooden or carpet surfaces as well as anything flammable. The reason for this is that as the glue gun heats up, bits of glue might drip out the tip of the gun.
• The glue sticks need to be placed at the back of the gun. Always make sure you have a spare stick of glue ready to be used, should there already be a stick of glue in the chamber.
• You then need to gather all the materials that you are wanting to glue while the gun heats up. The materials that work best are plastics, dried flowers, Styrofoam, thick fabrics, and wood. Thin papers, ceramics and fabrics aren't the best materials to use as a thick residue is left behind.
• You need to check that the glue has melted enough. To do this, you must squeeze the trigger lightly and place the tip of it against a sheet of paper. If the glue is dispersed easily, then it is ready, yet if the trigger is hard to pull, then you will have to wait for a few minutes until the gun has heated up completely.
• Once the glue gun has heated up enough, and you have successfully tested it, you must pick up the gun and gently squeeze the trigger while drawing the lines on the material you wish to glue.
• Once you have drawn the lines on the material, you need to immediately place the other piece of material you wish to glue on to the lines you have drawn, pressing down firmly to ensure that the materials will stick together successfully.
• You have to then hold the two pieces of material together firmly for around fifteen seconds. After which you must remove one hand to test if the materials will hold together.
• Finally, you must then let the item set for several minutes in order to allow it to "cure". You will then have to use your fingernail or anything similar to scrape away the excess glue which is left behind.

Gluing materials is simple when using a hot glue gun, but one must follow the glue gun safety tips. Using the crafty magic melt sticks allow kids to have fun too. These guns can be used by anyone, anywhere.

The Best Skiing Destination in Europe

There is a great reason for which we love winter: winter sports. And for lovers of winter sports there are at least four reasons to prefer Europe: Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland. What they all have in common? Dignified Alps with their dizzying heights and ridges where snow never melts. And I think all skiers know what that means: skiing all year round.

Why skiing in Italy? Italy is the owner of a substantial slice of paradise for winter sports. Italy has the Dolomites with 1220 kilometers of ski slopes in 12 regions, 8 of 10 sunny days and 90% of guaranteed snow slopes (due to artificial snow systems). Like the Italian highways, ski areas are famous for their well-maintained trails, sunny and immaculate white. Italy offers many options for skiing. There are ski areas all year round or just summer ski areas. North - west of Italy is one of the best choices for ski vacations. Italian ski resorts are not as famous as those in Switzerland and Austria, but have a special charm, partly because of innate hospitality and friendship of the Italians and their positive attitude towards life.

Why skiing in Austria? Well, suffice to mention only that skiing is a tradition in Austria. Once you've skied in Austria will remain devoted to this cradle of the white sport. What do offer in addition to other places Austria? A great variety of attractions, numerous ski areas, from large, international, to the intimate, family, the best prepared slopes. Also ski kindergartens and auxiliary programs, recommends the ideal destination for families! Due to glaciers, ski season last 365 days!

Why France? Of course, Italy has the Dolomites and the "Dolce Vita", but France is Mont Blanc and the "je ne sais quoi." Maybe the French ski resorts are not as picturesque as those in Italy or Austria, but it certainly offers one of the coolest ski sensation in Europe, with very long slopes and near the right accommodation! France has a tradition of ski resorts for over 20 years. With the advantage on her side of the Alps, France has varied ski area, a long winter season and quality service. From the north, from Mont Blanc to the south, in Dauphine, French Alps host no fewer than 200 mountain resorts. Each region has its specificity, so that tourists can find the best winter destination.

Finally, but not last, "queen" ski destinations in Europe, Switzerland. Skiing in Switzerland can be characterized by "luxury". Endless trails, mountain villages with a special atmosphere, specific mountain trains and train station located at the highest elevation in Europe (3400 m)! In fact, one of Switzerland's strengths is the train rides, rides offering breathtaking mountain scenery. Prices slightly higher quality service guarantee. Skiing is assured throughout the year over 3000m altitude! Also in Switzerland are two of the most famous mountain ski resorts in the world: Zermatt and St. Moritz, last holding the highest standards of skiing in Europe, being in the past host of the Winter Olympics.

What is unique about skiing in Europe in the areas above is that you can enjoy skiing experience without boundaries. It is not unusual to pass the border on skis, for example in Italy there are places where you can ski directly into another country (i.e. international ski area Vialattea totaling six ski resorts in Italy and resort Montgenèvre in France).

Great Lights Make Any Home And Artwork Look Good

Whenever anyone has anything to display, be it in the home or at some function, finding the right illumination is vitally important. Some of these venues may not have enough outlets or an electrical outlet in just the right place, so carrying some battery picture lights along to the venue may be the right thing to do. A battery picture light, in fact, is so versatile that it can even have the cells recharged, which makes this a great form of green energy.

Anyone who attends seminars may well have witnessed this form of illumination without realizing it. Indeed, the design of these lamps is so elegant that it is made not to be noticed. It does not need to detract from the subject matter and this is why manufacturers have come up with some sleek and classy designs to avoid anything clashing.

If the home is chic and modern, the slim line metallic finishes, or the matte black ones, look wonderful. On the swan necked variety, the bulb points down onto the photo or artwork and will not shine out into the eyes of those viewing the piece. They come in many different shades and finishes but the more polished and plain that they look, in this instance, the better. Try looking for brushed metals too since they do not have such a shiny finish to them which some people do not find attractive.

For the more traditional home, there are varieties which match in perfectly too. Brass colored metal looks great with gilded frames and, if it is attached to the frame itself, it virtually disappears when looking at the painting. This is ideal since it is the painting that should be the focus of attention and not the illumination which stands out for sure.

But these gadgets come in many forms, shapes and sizes so it is down to personal taste which one fits the bill. Some people use them to illuminate dark hallways or stair wells by adding a photo or two, putting in this gadget and then killing two birds with one stone. They even leave them on all night when they have guests in the place so that they do not stumble in the dark in unfamiliar surroundings.

The one thing people should be careful of when purchasing this kind of gadget though is to know where it comes from. Companies in this country are usually very aware of the kind of standards that are demanded by the public and by the government itself. Anything electrical must come up to that standard and is often marked to show that it has been approve. However, there are 'dollar shops' which import goods which often slip through the net.

For families it is particularly important to get good quality goods since kids will often play with things that they should not. If the gadget is likely to give off an electric shock, this could prove to be quite dangerous of course. It is better to go for quality rather than economy.

Why Recruitment Holds The Key To Success in 2011

For many companies 2011 is something of a 'make or break' year. With the recession finally making way for a time of potential growth, now is the time for ambitious organisations to push for expansion, growth and success. An essential aspect of corporate success lies in the recruitment of the best possible staff to help drive the company forward and cope with increased demand and pressure.

Given the cuts and imminent job losses in the public sector, relatively high volume of redundancies in the private sector and ever growing population of university graduates; there are currently an abundance of highly trained, skilled and experienced candidates for all manner of job positions. In addition to the availability of so many individuals who are currently out of employment, the beginning of January is historically the most active time of year for job applicants (as a consequence of New Year's resolutions amongst other things) - meaning that the opportunity to find the best possible new recruit for your organisation is currently at its peak.

With this wealth of available talent you need the means to source the best candidates to bring through to the interview stage of the process. This can be an incredibly time consuming task - particularly given the large number of applications employers are currently receiving for their positions. In order to uncover the best possible individuals for the job, the use of a recruitment organisation is often the most effective means approach. Not only are they experts in writing job adverts and distributing them to the right places, but also highly experienced when it comes to analysing CVs and applications in order to find the best possible candidates to put forward to interview.

Although traditionally a rather costly expense, recruitment organisations have evolved to meet the budgets and requirements of their clients. Of this new breed of businesses, online flat fee recruiters are by far the best value for money. Flat fee recruitment (otherwise known as fixed fee recruitment) does away with placement fees and CV archive scouring, offering a fresh approach for which a one off, standard fee is charged - regardless of the salary of the role being recruited. This form of recruitment means that it costs the same low fee to source a new director as it does anyone else: potentially saving thousands of pounds compared to the more old-fashioned practices and charges of some recruitment agencies.

Capitalising on the opportunities presented by the economic and employment landscape at the beginning of 2011 could well be the catalyst for your organisation's continued success well into the next decade and beyond.

5 Types of Stress Related to Planning a Wedding

When planning a wedding you're likely to experience a whirlwind of emotions; excitement, elation, joy, anxiety and stress. American culture focuses exclusively on the upside of getting married, but the truth is that along with the happiness comes a lot of work and some natural anxiety. Getting married means transitioning from your current (single) identity, to a combined identity (as a married couple). Here are the 5 types of stress you are most likely to encounter while planning your wedding:

1.) Money related stress- According to the knot.com the average wedding in the US (in 2010) cost roughly $27,800. Much of the cost of the wedding is related to the area of the country that you reside in (Urban areas tend to be more expensive). With more and more brides and grooms footing (at least part of) the bill, this can cause extra strain and conflict with everyone involved in contributing financially.

2.) Family Relationship stress- Because the more people you include in any venture the more complex it becomes- family members can unintentionally cause additional stress. In many weddings the bride and groom are trying to manage the wants and needs of several different families and family members. This task can be virtually impossible to handle; you can't make all of the people happy all of the time.

3.) Wedding planning stress- The process of planning a wedding takes, on average, 16 months and 250 hours of effort. The intensity of wedding planning stress is different for everyone and largely depends on several factors: how flexible your work schedule is, how involved your partner is in the planning, the amount of social support/help (moms, sisters, friends, etc.) you have at hand, and the amount of money you have at your disposal (more money = less leg work). The amount of time spent planning a wedding can be similiar to having a part time job (for the duration of your engagement). In modern times brides are often already pressed for time and the pressure to squeeze in all the wedding related tasks can cause extra strain.

4.) Partner related stress- planning a wedding with your partner can be incredibly romantic and fun, but also challenging and emotional. Because of all of the dynamics involved (especially extended family members and their needs/opinions) in this process, your relationship is likely to be prone to more conflict and disagreement than usual. This in turn may cause anxiety related to committing your life to a person that you suddenly find yourself arguing with more than ever before.

5.) Transition related stress- You are planning a ceremony that symbolizes you leaving your family of origin and joining with your husband to form a new family. In many ways this change is exciting and invigorating, however it can also be scary and unknown. Each of you is likely to have ideas about what it means to be a wife or husband and sometimes the thought of navigating this unknown territory together can be a little overwhelming.

Weddings are a time of excitement and celebration. But along with the joy there can also be additional stress and strain. The important thing is to be aware of your limits, and do what it takes to take care of yourself. If you are worn-out or overwhelmed planning your wedding won't be any fun at all.
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